
Git repository#

Main branch master

Fork repository#

If you are not on the GitHub project team, you must first fork the Morelia Server repository to yourself by going to link.

Cloning a repository#

  1. Clone repository to your local computer using command line:

git clone{username}/morelia_server.git
cd morelia_server
  1. Switching to master branch:

git checkout master
  1. Synchronizing your fork with original repository upstream Morelia Server:

git remote add upstream
  1. Check if repository upstream appeared in the list of deleted repositories:

git remote -v
> origin{username}/morelia_server.git (fetch)
> origin{username}/morelia_server.git (push)
> upstream (fetch)
> upstream (push)
  1. If using GitHub Desktop, select Clone repository... from File menu and follow instructions.

Running before create pull-request#

Before create pull-request you must be perform three steps:

  1. Running static type checker mypy:

pipenv run mypy --config=./setup.cfg .
  1. Running flake8 for checking code:

pipenv run flake8 --config ./setup.cfg --show-source --statistics --output-file ./log/flake8.log

--config ./setup.cfg - path to flake8 settings

--show-source - show the source generate each error or warning

--statistics - count errors and warnings

--output-file ./log/flake8.log - path to file where flake8 saved all information about occurrences errors and warnings

  1. Running unittest for testing code (tests it’s a directory contains all test for project):

pipenv run coverage run -m unittest discover tests

Creating a pull-request#

For making changes to development branch Morelia Server.

  1. Getting the latest changes from development branch Morelia Server:

git pull upstream master
  1. Sending changes to main branch of your fork:

git push

3. To create a pull-request, you need to go to GitHub, select your fork and click on New pull request in right-hand menu, then select branch from which you want to push changes to Morelia Server master branch and click Create pull request.

Code style requirements#

Before starting work, it is recommended that you read:

Be sure to use a linter (flake8, pylint or similar).

Writing and running tests#

Built-in Unittest module is used to write tests.

To run tests, run (replace asterisk with test name):

pipenv run python -v ./tests/test_*.py

Repository description#

/mod/db/ - module is designed to perform queries to the database

/mod/db/ - module is responsible for the description of database tables to work through OPM

/mod/protocol/matrix/ - module is responsible for the description of API, as well as the validation of data.

/mod/protocol/matrix/ - implementation of the protocol

/mod/protocol/mtp/ - module responsible for API description, as well as data validation.

/mod/protocol/ - module is responsible for implementing the methods described in Morelia Protocol.

/mod/ - module is responsible for checking and generating responses with error codes.

/mod/ - module is responsible for processing requests according to the protocol type.

/mod/ - module is responsible for password hashing, comparing password with its hash sum, creating hash for auth_id.

/mod/ - module configures logging.

/mod/config/ - module reads settings from config.ini

/mod/config/validator - data validation for config.ini

/static/ - static files

/ - main server code

/ - database migration manager (creating and deleting database tables), mnanage database, create and delete admin, user and flow. Running server and run mini test client.

/tests/fixtures/ - json-files with preliminarily prepared data for tests

/tests/fixtures/config.ini - server config for the tests

/tests/test_*.py - tests

/example_config.ini - file containing example server settings, just rename it to config.ini before running the server.